Adventure: The Freedom Fighter
"Sugar and spice and everything nice..."! Oh how different age and gender make on the same crabbing experience. She has to wear her new swimsuit and getting a tan is the ultimate goal for the day. She knows she isn't going to touch one of those crabs because they are scary-looking and their claws could hurt. The water looks dark and the bottom feels icky. She decides to just sit on the beach and watch. Then the first crab is caught, brought on shore, and put into the bucket. She keeps looking in the bucket. The poor carb doesn't have enough water. It can't breath! She just can't stand that it is suffering. So when they go out to check the line again, she takes her net, scoops him up, and carefully (and secretly) walks him to the edge of the water. She lowers the net and sets him free. She is so relieved! She has saved him! Then she turns around and they are looking at her. He brother vows revenge! They look into the empty bucket, put the new catch in it, and move the bucket out of her reach. She cries. Oh the drama! I share with you my painting for Day 10: Adventure: Freedom Fighter.
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