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Comfort Zones

The Path Home

Sometimes things happen! We are uncomfortable. The loss of a loved one, the end of a career, a pandemic, an illness. Things change. We are uncomfortable. Life! In those times we seek to fill that uncomfortable emptiness. But in doing it we have to get out of our comfort zone and face the unfamiliar. Again, Life. It doesn't have to be a big change. It can just be a change in the routine. As simple as the route you have walked for years can be expanded. You just add to it. You look further and decide to cross the bridge. Literally. You decide to walk over the bridge into the adjacent neighborhood. You have driven this road at least four times a day for most of your life. But when you get out of the comfortable, fast paced car you have a whole new experience. You feel the ground under your feet. You can feel the hot sun of summer or the cold wind of winter. You hear the children playing in the yards and the dogs barking behind the fence. You see birds flying by or singing in the trees. You see the same picket fence you painted with the sharp shadows of the sun on the sidewalk. The scene you saw from your car, except now you feel the heat of that sun. It's uncomfortable. It has you looking for comfort to beat the heat. And in your search you see the path along the same picket fence. But this path is cool and the fence is no longer hot white. It is bathed in the cool colors of the shade from the oak trees overhead. The colors aren't sharp, they are muted and soft. In all the years you have driven by, you have never seen it this path. And yet, it is still a way home. No longer flying past on the road. This is the slower, less traveled way. The way that started out as uncomfortable is now the comfortable way. Not the road home, but the path home.

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